Never Eat Supermarket Meats Again
[Here's Why]

If you’re like most Americans, you most likely buy your meat at the supermarket. Be it raw chicken and steaks from the butcher case or cold cuts from the deli counter, we tend to not give much thought to the meat we buy beyond whether it’s fresh and how much it costs. But you might want to think twice before buying your next Styrofoam-and-cellophane-wrapped chicken breast, because what we’re about to tell you may have you getting all your meat delivered from the organic delivery service called Butcher Box.
It's Full of Antibiotics
Because the stressful and dirty conditions at factory farms can wreak havoc on the animals’ immune systems, livestock are treated with antibiotics both as preventative measures and for treatment of sick animals. Antibiotics can be bought by the pound at any farm store, while doctors’ prescriptions are needed when a human needs them. According to a study by the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, it’s been estimated that livestock consumed more than 36,000 tons of antibiotics in 2010. Unfortunately, that number is only growing...

A New Crowd Funded Startup Was Born
A little startup from Massachusetts is here to solve the trickiest part of our diet: finding ethical and healthy meat.
ButcherBox was founded 2 years ago with the goal of ending our dependence on factory farms.
It all began with a humble Kickstarter campaign that suddenly went viral.
ButcherBox raised over $200,000 for monthly deliveries of humane, hormone-free beef, chicken, and pork.
2 years later, ButcherBox has delivered nearly 2 million meals.
All this meat comes from small-scale farmers who don’t use hormones, antibiotics, unethical practices, or industrial feed.
Why The World Needs ButcherBox

We’d all like to live in a world where every butcher sold 100% ethical and grass-fed meat.
But the truth is, factory farms raise 78 percent of the cattle, 95 percent of the pigs, an 99.9 percent of the chickens that we eat in the United States.
These animals aren’t always treated humanely, as you know.
They live in tight spaces.
Sometimes they’re given hormones.
They’re fed corn and soy products that you wouldn’t dream of giving to a person.
And scientists say that factory farming is hurting our climate and contributing to the rise of chronic disease.
Have You Ever Tried to Find Real Grass-Fed Beef?

It’s not easy.
Even the beef that’s marketed as “grass-fed” isn’t always what it seems.
Many of these cows are “factory-finished,” meaning they await slaughter in a cramped feedlot where they get fattened up on corn and soy.
In reality, only 1% of the total beef consumed in the USA is completely grass-fed.
And finding it is no small task.
You won’t find grass-fed beef at big-box supermarkets.
And if you go to the butcher… well, that depends on where you live.
Most Americans can’t find high-quality meat like that very often.
But ButcherBox lets anyone, anywhere in the country, switch to a 100% grass-fed, humane diet… for beef, pork, and chicken.
How ButcherBox Transforms Your Diet

It’s incredibly simple:
- Pick your meat preferences: beef, chicken, pork, or any mix of the 3.
- Once a month, you’ll get a curated mix of 8-11 pounds of ethical meat delivered right to your door — in a box filled with dry ice that keeps it frozen 'til you get home.
- You'll be amazed at the selection of cuts: baby-back ribs, premium steak tips, sausages, chops, and even the tastiest burgers you've ever grilled.
- Follow the recipes on our website — or freestyle it — to cook up the most delicious and nutritious meat you’ve ever tasted.
Each delivery ($129 a month) will give you about 24 individual meals of hormone-free, humanely-raised food.
If you’ve got a few mouths to feed, you can get 48 meals (16-22 lbs) for $238.
Either way, imagine your life with ButcherBox:
- You come home from a long day at work and have the trickiest part of dinner solved.
- Your body runs on cleaner energy, because you’re getting your protein without hormones, additives, or antibiotics.
- You feel good about your choice, because it supports humane treatment and small-town farmers.
- You learn how to cook new and exciting dishes by using the curated cuts of meat along with the chef-driven recipes on our website.
Get Free Bacon In Your First Box

Like all our meats, the bacon we use is beautifully marbled and free of preservatives and hormones.
For bacon, that means no nitrates, no fillers, and no sugars. So if you're Paleo or low-carb, this is perfect for you.
If you subscribe to ButcherBox today, you’ll get a free pack of uncured, humane bacon in your first delivery.
And when you sign up for ButcherBox, you’ll get the kind of satisfaction these people have…
All these reviews can be found on

Have a $20 Discount, While We're At It
It'll never cost you less than this to start your culinary journey with ButcherBox.
As a flash sale, we're offering you a $20 discount on your first order.
So instead of $129 for 24 meals, you'll pay $109 -- with free shipping forever.
And how many times do we have to say "free bacon?"
Just follow the link below.
We’ll ask you a few questions about your preferences and curate a fine selection of America’s highest-quality meats.
We only use priority shipping (we pay for it, not you), and all deliveries come sealed in refrigerated containers.
If there’s any problem with your delivery, just contact us and we’ll make it right — we’re a company that truly stands behind our 100% satisfaction guarantee.
And you can cancel any time you want.

But remember — you won’t be able to get this lowest price ever for much longer.
This is a limited-time, Facebook-only offer, and if you navigate away from this page you may lose your chance.
So don’t wait another second — save $20 and get free bacon in your first box!
Save $20 Now! »